N.O. Councilwoman Urges Opposition To Trump Order

New Orleans City Councilwoman, Nadine Ramsey, is venturing into national affairs by proposing a resolution opposing President Trump's executive order on immigration.

Ramsey is asking the full council to approve a resolution that characterizes the president's temporary restrictions on travel from 7 nations as "an unconstitutional travel ban against people of Muslim faith, contrary to America ideals and values that poses a security risk to Americans at home and abroad."

Ramsey is scheduled to present her resolution to the council at 1 p.m. today.

"Banning refugees from entering the United States for nearly four months will have severe consequences, leaving people to suffer longer in camps, and preventing families from reuniting," the councilwoman claims.

Ramsey says she developed her resolution "in light of world-wide sentiment, the federal court's orders to stay the order, and recent incidents such as the rally outside City Hall on January 29, at which citizens joined the growing nationwide protest against the Trump Administration's freeze on refugee and foreign national travel to the United States."

"The United States has made similar mistakes in the past, which should not be repeated," she says. "This is a moment in history when an international and welcoming City such as New Orleans should not be silent."

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