Trade Your Carnival Beads For Doughnuts

The Krispy Kreme store on Clearview Parkway has teamed up with the Arc of New Orleans to collect Carnival beads today and tomorrow.

As an incentive to drop them off, people who bring in 12 or more pounds of beads between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. will get a dozen glazed doughnuts.

Employees will also offer a coupon for the doughnuts to be redeemed at a later date.

The beads will be weighed.

The store is located at 825 Clearview Parkway in Metairie.

While New Orleans and surrounding areas celebrate the carnival season each year for two weeks, Arc of Greater New Orleans is in Mardi Gras mode year round. Arc receives donations of beads and throws from area residents that are then sorted, packaged and sold to float riders in 30-pound crawfish sacks. 

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