There's a new optical illusion perplexing the internet. Following in a long line of debate-causing photos like the infamous dress one, the one that looked like it could be either a fence or a river, and last month's viral pic that was either of a woman's neck or her back, comes a shot of a black cat... or is it a crow?
You'd think it would be simple to tell the two animals apart, but Robert Maguire knew it wasn't that easy, so he shared the shot on Twitter with the caption, "This picture of a crow is interesting because it's actually a cat."
If it took you a while to see how the "crow" was actually a cat, you're not alone. In fact, one person put the pic in a Google reverse image search and the famed search engine identified the creature as an American crow.
As for other reactions, they were mostly surprised people, but also some folks who were shocked that anyone could confuse what is obviously a cat for a bird:
Photo: Getty Images