The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says they will be opening the Morganza Spillway in Pointe Coupee Parish next week.
The Corps made the announcement yesterday that they would open the spillway on June 2nd as long as weather conditions permit. When the spillway opens, it will only be the third time since 1954 and the first since 2011 engineers have had to divert water off the system to protect structural integrity.
Farmers are asked to move their livestock to higher ground in order to prepare for potential flooding. Two public meetings are going to be held on the impacts from the historic opening of the Morganza Spillway, one at the Butte La Rose Fire House on June 4th and the other at Morgan City High School on June 5th.
Officials are also operating the Bonnet Carre Spillway after the Mississippi River rose six inches to surpass flood stage.
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