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Have you ever spent time in another state only to be confused when someone says a word you've never heard of? Maybe you were shocked by the number of people saying "hella" in California or scratched your head at what "no-see-ums" mean in Florida. This is because slang words can vary state by state.
Because Louisiana is part of the South, your first guess at the state's most common slang word is probably "y'all." However, you might be surprised to learn this isn't the case. To help clear things up, Stacker released a report with each state's most interesting slang words or phrases.
"Americans also have massive amounts of state pride. They celebrate the things that set their states apart from others, and feverishly uphold local traditions and customs. Combined, these two things have resulted in some unique slang. Stacker has rounded up examples of local slang from every state. Taking data from various sources, we've highlighted some of the weird, wacky, and outright crazy slang words Americans use in everyday conversation."
So what is the slang word commonly associated with Louisiana?
Above all other slang words used in the Pelican state, this term of endearment is the one most associated with Louisiana. Here's what Stacker had to say:
"Louisiana is a state with so much local slang that many visitors feel as if residents are speaking an entirely different language. Take 'sha' for example. Derived from the French word 'cher,' the Cajun and Creole slang word is used to describe something sweet or cute, like a baby, or to call someone a sweetheart."
Check out the full report here.