Photo: St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office
A warning for shoppers on the Northshore after St. Tammany Parish detectives found credit card skimmers in at least three businesses.
The man who installed them was caught on camera. Petru Golvan, a 32-year-old from Washington State, faces charges of theft by skimming and conspiracy to commit bank fraud.
Golvan is currently being held in Jefferson Parish where he faces similar charges.
Authorities are also looking to identify a second person in the case.
"In the past we have found skimmers of gas pumps and ATM machines," said Sheriff Randy Smith. "But the criminals are getting more brazen, and we are now starting to see a new trend of them being placed on credit/debit card readers at checkouts inside retail stores."
He urged shoppers to closely check any debit or credit card machines before using them and for businesses to closely inspect their devices and report anything unusual to the STPSO's Financial Crimes Unit.